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August 31, 2005

$5.87 a Gallon for Gas

Here's how things are going in Georgia.

I remember filling up once in the midwest for 39 cents a gallon. That was six years ago. Wow.

Still only $2.85 for regular here.... $3.14 for super.

UPDATE: $2.93 for regular at the Safeway down the street. This morning we passed a 76 where gas was $2.79 for regular, and tonight it's $2.87.

I never imagined we'd see gas prices like this. I imagine it will only get worse.

By the way, the Shell station down at the Plaid Pantry is Kenmore is still selling regular for $2.65. That's over twenty cents a gallon less than the neighboring stations. If for some crazy reason you are passing by there, get it while you can. I don't know if they just haven't changed their prices yet, or maybe people are a bit unnerved by the recent events there, and aren't dropping by.

Posted by March at August 31, 2005 06:32 PM


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