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August 31, 2005

I Want A Do Over!

Seriously, you may have noticed a new look, new format, all that with marchdecember. I decided I wanted to just go with a more bloggy format, so we can just write whatever. I also created some neat categories (which will probably change over time) so you can tell if a post is funny or sad or whatever.

I decided I might as well just start everything over, in terms of content, too. I might bring some older articles over, while I'm at it, but it's just easier to not have the extra baggage.

Not a big thing, but I just wanted you to know, and that's kind of the idea, we can just post not so big things anymore. I'm kind of hoping I can get Jennifer to post once in a while, even if it's just "I'm bummed out" or "I like cheese" or "I like to see Michael naked" or something.

By the way, comments are always open now... I do moderate them so we don't get comments like "Viagra viagra viagra!" but otherwise I'm not moderating for content... you can say whatever you like.

Posted by March at August 31, 2005 03:13 PM


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