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August 31, 2005
Safeway and the Case of the Deceptive Club Card
According to this guy, Safeway is using deceptive practices in order to cheat you out of your money. Among the many deceptive practices... the cash register "blips" the same whether the item you bought is on sale or not. How are you supposed to know?!
Here's another example:
If you shop in a store in another area code, and if you forget your Club Card, and if you just give them your 7 digit phone number, omitting the 3 digit area code, they'll key it into the cash register at checkout time. But in this case, your discounts won't register.... like so many things at Safeway, it's opportunity for them to cash in on yet another type of "defensible" deception.
Seriously, in this day and age, do people really give out seven digits phone numbers anymore? (I remember back in the day when you only needed to give out four numbers in my parents hometown.) Isn't this the customers fault, and not Safeway's fault? If I go to Redding and enter in my phone number without the 206 area code, they're not going to know. They're not going to say "Durrrr... you're not from around here, city boy!"
I found this guy while I was looking for some address info to put on my resume... as if I remember the addresses of my former employers. Anyway, I guess he runs their website now, and if you follow a couple links you end up on this rant about Safeway.
I'm not saying the guy isn't right... Safeway probably isn't real clear about what's on sale and what isn't. But, you know, it just really isn't worth the trouble this guy goes through. And they still have better product and cheaper prices than QFC, club card or no.
UPDATE: You know, I was thinking about it, and why does this guy for any reason expect the register to make a different sound when an item is on sale.
Posted by March at August 31, 2005 12:01 PM