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August 31, 2005

We Re-signed Our Lease Today...

We have to live at this apartment for six more months, or in the very least we agreed to. If I find a good job and can get a house, I will break the lease. It is $1530 to break the lease. Or I could wait a few months, and save the $1530. Problem is, housing costs are rising so fast that $1530 looks like nothing.

Remember the dream house we looked at in December. It was about $300,000 eight months ago. That same house is going for around $100,000 more now. That's a 33% jump in eight months. That's absolutely outrageous. Averaged out, that's a $12,500 increase each and every month. Breaking that lease could actually lead to incredible savings.

No wonder the housing market is so hot right now. Buy now or you'll never be able to afford anything later.

Posted by March at August 31, 2005 05:56 PM


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