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September 10, 2005

9/11 Floats Part Deux

Last year a group called Art by Fire placed 911 glass floats on the beaches of Puget Sound. And Jennifer and I were one of the first people in line to get some. We were able to find absolutely none. Here's what I wrote to Art by Fire one year ago.

My 9/11 memory is of people running. No, not running from the falling towers, but running toward the beach. My memory is of being told to put my car in a line, to be the first in. I was surprised so many people were going to show up to commemorate 9/11. But showing up an hour and a half early, there were only a few cars ahead of us. Three years ago, I remember how as a country we were united, how we came together as a country. But 9/11/04 was, for too many, about greed. Our line of cars was stopped by hordes of people running through the gate, people that were told by security to enter through a pedestrian gate. But instead they were running in front of our cars, running as if for our lives. When we finally got out of the car, people were running back with floats. Not a float, but floats. By the time we got to the beach, all the floats were gone.Forty-five minutes later, dozens remained, looking for hidden floats that hadn't been found. But there were none. My wife went home dejected. "This was a failure," she cried. Greedy hoarding, running like a mob, these things weren't in the spirit of 9/11. Thank you for providing this opportunity for us. We wish we could have shared our memories of 9/11/01 with you, but we couldn't find a float. It's too bad so many people forgot the lessons of 9/11/01, and have let divisive selfishness rule on 9/11/04


They're doing it again this year, but we won't bother this year. Too disappointing last year. Not to mention our car is broken four different ways.

Posted by March at September 10, 2005 10:13 PM


You know, what they need was an orderly way on doing that last year. And this year, they should have done the same. It isn't really fair. Everyone should have the chance to remember 9/11. But when greed comes into play, fairness is thrown out the window. No pun there, March. I don't want to make you feel bad.

Posted by: Cerberus at September 11, 2005 09:28 AM

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