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September 05, 2005

A Rant About License Plate Frames

Some people have really cool license plate frames. My dad, for example, has one that corresponds with his vanity plate. Others purchased Save Oldsmobile frames (from moi) and placed them on their cars.

Personally, I just have clear covers over my plates. But most people, MOST people have the license plate frame they got from their car dealer. Their dealer probably ripped them off when they sold the car, yet for years these people drive around with free advertising on the front and rear of their cars. How much would it cost for your dealer to buy that kind of exposure? I don't actually know, but I know that you're giving him free advertising if you are still driving around with dealer frames. Don't do it. Take those frames off, and if your dealer wants to advertise on your car, ask how much. I'm not saying he'd actually pay you, but why are we rewarding these people for making money off of us.

Let's not even get started with dealer badges... those are horrible... I don't know why anybody allows that on their cars.

As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Posted by March at September 5, 2005 06:15 PM


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