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September 11, 2005

An Open Letter to Gillette

Dear Gillette,

I am writing to let you know that, indeed, I already am getting the best shave a man can get. You are constantly spending money to let me know that the M3Power will deliver the best shave a man can get. Are you trying to give your Mach 3 customers some sort of inferiority complex? When I opened up my package of Mach 3 Turbo blades today, out came an advertisement for M3Power. And there, right on the box, was a tiny blurb that said "For the best a man can get, try M3Power."

And now you have a M3Power Nitro, which as far as I can tell is just like M3Power, but with different colors. Worse yet, it turns out that various tests have determined that the M3Power vibrations apparently do nothing at all, which frankly makes sense to me.

And you know, I'm not sure the Mach 3 Turbo does anything either. I really should have just bought the regular Mach 3 blades. Because the Mach 3 is really awesome, and I've even got Mach 3 shaving cream (which is pretty good too!) But you keep creating new versions of the Mach 3, and they all pretty much consist of anti-friction strips and what-not.

I don't know what you can do to make a better blade. Schick's Quattro is ridiculous. That guy from Survivor is like "You can't have more than three blades. Well, you're an idiot, because you can." But that doesn't mean it's a good idea. So stop telling me that I don't have the best a man can get. Because I'm not going to buy your stupid M3Power. Honestly, vibrating razor blades doesn't sound like a good idea to me anyway.


Posted by March at September 11, 2005 01:36 AM


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