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September 06, 2005

Bob Nelson... Successful Hollywood Scriptwriter?!

A post from Max pointed out the coming Almost Live! Reunion Special.

The article claims the cast has been very busy since 1999, with most of them being motivational and keynote speakers. Joel McHale of course was in Spiderman 2, and in lots of different commercials. Then they claim that Bob Nelson is now a successful Hollywood scriptwriter. Really?

According to IMDB, the only Hollywood script that Bob Nelson is a yet-to-be-filmed script titled Nebraska, which was originally going to be directed by the guy who did Sideways and Election. (He also had a hand in writing Jurassic Park 3... ick.)

Anyway, Alexander Payne, the director, has decided to film something else. So Nebraska is just hanging around in limbo. In fairness, Bob Nelson did win some Chesterfield writing thing with his script, so it's probably good, although I'm not so sure since previous projects include Free Willy 2.

Posted by March at September 6, 2005 02:35 PM


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