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September 13, 2005
Burgerville Using 100% Wind Power!
Burgerville, the delicious small chain of fast food restaurants in the Portland area, has announced that it is committing to using 100% wind power at their stores. Lots of people into renewable resources and other left causes seem mildly enthused.
Well, that is pretty cool. I think wind power is neat. I think it's pretty inefficient, but there's lots of room in eastern Oregon for wind farms, so why not. Of course, you'll be destroying a pristine, barely touched environment, but hey, wind power doesn't pollute, so let those conservative hicks deal with it. It's not like us city slickers are going to head over there.
But isn't this entirely meaningless? I mean, I'm no expert on power, but it seems to me that power is pretty much power. And last time I checked, you can't really route power to individual buildings... in other words, you can't send wind power to Burgerville, and send regular old coal power to the bowling alley next door. They're all getting the same power. This sounds like nice PR, but I'm not sure it's particularly practical, though someone who knows better is free to correct me.
Comments, as always are open.
Posted by March at September 13, 2005 05:11 PM