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September 12, 2005

Clinton Beats Bush, Bush Beats Kerry, Reagan Beats Everybody!

A new Zogby Poll is out showing that Bush would lose to every modern president from Carter on. But, he'd still beat Kerry by one point. Zogby is confused and wants to know why. The reasons why may or may not be obvious, but let's consider the numbers for a moment.

According to the poll, if Clinton were to run against Bush (for an imaginary third term I suppose) then Clinton would win 48-46... two points.

But if Reagan were to rise from the grave (I wish) and run against Bush, then Reagan would win 59-20! That's a thirty nine point lead! Holy Diebold Machine, Batman!

But isn't Clinton supposed to be the Democrats answer to Ronald Reagan... joining him as one of the truly great Presidents? I guess not. Looks like the voting public considers his pretty mediocre.

And what does this mean for Hillary? A lot of her "charm" is that she's a second coming of Clinton for the nation. Looks like the nation maybe doesn't really want any more Clinton... at least not by a wide margin. And given that Bill Clinton is an everyman you can have a good time with regardless of political affiliation, and that Hillary comes off as a cold, cackling schemester, I'm going to venture a guess and say this is probably not good for her.

Comments as always are open.

UPDATE: For Democrats who want to win in 2008, here's the WRONG way to think. You can't be delusional and claim that voters really don't like Republicans, so all you have to do to succeed is fight back! That's right in line with other comments for the "reality-based" left, but it still isn't going to win you elections.

On the other hand Jane Genova seems to get it.

Posted by March at September 12, 2005 04:38 PM


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