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September 26, 2005

Check the Comments Section!

If you haven't been noticing, some really good comments on a couple of entries.

First, the passing away of a woman known as Kielle kicked up some interesting comments. We don't get many comments 'round here, so check it out... comments are always open and you don't have to register or use a real e-mail address or anything. I'll leave it that way until it gets abused. Cause I'm nice.

Also, is our formerly alcoholic Presidente Bush drinking again? How should I know, but Timmy thinks everybody's an alcoholic by certain standards... and does it really matter if Bush is a drunk? I mean... I thought he was a puppet President anyway.

Anyway, check 'em out, say something interesting, whatever.

Posted by March at September 26, 2005 07:13 PM


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