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September 22, 2005
Hurricane Rita Update
Apparently people are stuck in traffic, just sitting there unable to move because so many people are on the freeways. Some of them are running out of gas, and gas stations have run out too.
Personally, I blame President Bush. Why isn't he flying people out? Or better yet, why didn't he spend money on a special evacuation freeway instead of the war in Iraq. Once again Bush has failed us. He would rather give tax breaks to the rich than spend government money on a massive underground shelter for those fleeing hurricanes. I can't believe we voted for this buffoon. I bet those people in Texas wish they had voted for John Kerry now. I saw on NBC tonight that a couple were stuck in Galveston without a car. Bush's answer? Lower taxes for the rich. John F. Kerry would have personally picked them up in his car, I'm pretty certain. That is, if he didn't take his Swift Boat out into the Gulf and personally stop the hurricane himself.
Posted by March at September 22, 2005 06:31 PM