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September 04, 2005

Jagged Little Return

I know I'm way behind on this, but I just discovered that Alanis Morissette has gone and re-recorded her Jagged Little Pill CD, ten years later, using only acoustic instruments.

It's pretty good. I have often wondered why others don't do this more often. I mean, it's YOUR catalog of work, so why not just re-record certain songs from time to time? This would benefit older artists more, whose songs were once recorded without the digital techniques used today. Anything recorded before 1990 would probably be fair game, but the older the better. A lot of the music from the 80s holds up pretty well, and even some of the 70s stuff does very well on a nice stereo... Free Bird in particular.

Posted by March at September 4, 2005 04:25 PM


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