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September 28, 2005

Jennifer and I Rescue a Dog

Jennifer and I went to Wal-Mart today, and when we came back there was a dog running across the road that we had to avoid hitting. Well, Jennifer got worried, so we turned around and there he was running behind some jogger. We got out and asked if the dog was hers, but it wasn't, and it didn't have a tag. What to do?

Well, we took the dog, and stopped at the nearest house down the road. (We were in a pretty sparsely populated area.) As I pulled in the gravel driveway, I saw a couch on the lawn, and a sign that, I can't be entirely sure didn't have a swastika on it. These people were staring at us from the front porch. I began to wonder if this was a bad idea. But it was their dog, and they thanked us for bringing him back... he had gotten pretty far from home.

As Jennifer and I left, we felt good for helping the dog find his home. But we wondered about the dogs owners. They were certainly rough around the edges... not what you'd expect to find on the Eastside... almost like they didn't belong. What was with that sign? Were they racist? Were they some sort of gun-toting backwards Americans?

And you know what I realized? I realized it didn't matter. I would totally hang out with them. Does that make me intolerant? Or, does it actually make me MORE tolerant. You know... I just don't know.

Posted by March at September 28, 2005 03:13 PM


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