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September 17, 2005

Michael's Dreamlog

I just had the strangest dream, disturbing and upsetting.

My sister was pregnant and she and my mother were planning to tell everyone the good news. Max showed up in a Chrysler 300C, but he had shaved all the hair off the sides of his head. A creepy Mexican who was working on my parents backyard wanted to repair my car, and I told him no way could he touch my car. I have this alternative version of my parents house in my dreams, which is filled with creepy people up and down the street, and for whatever reason the backyard is always under construction.

My brother was moving cars from the driveway so people could show up to here the good news. By moving, I mean literally picking the cars up and then putting them down somewhere else.

For whatever reason, we all went down to my grandparents old house, and there was no place to sleep. I got into a fight with my parents because I couldn't even find my wife, who was sleeping with some little kids and an old frail woman, and they were all in hospital beds.

Serena and Max left, and didn't even tell anybody the big news. Serena had something to go to, something like that.

So my brother and I decided to go to a NASCAR race, and before the race even started, some nut on the track was running into people intentionally. Practically every car on the track was destroyed, and one man had died. The race ended before it even began. Everybody was crying, and I held my brother and told him I was sorry his first race had to be like this. And he was crying, just a little bit. But he didn't really need to be held. I really need to hold him.

That was my dream. I find it very disturbing, but I thought I'd share it because it was so very odd... and usually my odd dreams just disappear before I ever get to recall them to anybody.

Posted by March at September 17, 2005 04:02 AM


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