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September 30, 2005

Shirley Temple is NOT Dead

This is crazy. Apparently, Shirley Temple is "blasting" Paris Hilton for something or something else. I don't really know, nor do I care, but I'm amazed because I just figured Shirley Temple had already gone to that great silver screen in the sky.

Also, in the same article, Ricky Martin claims he got bored of "la vida loca" because he was faking it... faking his emotion. Also, he mentioned that someday he may adopt a child.

So, let's wrap up what we've learned today. Shirley Temple, not dead. Paris Hilton, not good. Ricky Martin, faking it, might adopt, not gay. Wait, it didn't say that.

Posted by March at September 30, 2005 05:51 AM


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