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September 22, 2005
Stuff I Found on My Old Hard Drive
I got my old computer that I used to use before I got married. It has a lot of my favorite stuff on it, but we only have room for one computer, and Jennifer's is like a thousand times faster than mine.
Anyway, I wanted to get some info off of the old computer, so I brought it home and fired it up. Today I'll reveal a collection of strange images I had just lying around on the hard drive. I had a bad habit of just saving things wherever. And, I mean, why did I save some of this stuff?
I've resized some of these images... obviously some of them were huge. Let's do this alphabetically.
Why do I have an image of Hitler? I hope the FBI never searches my hard drive.
I didn't go see this All-Star game.
There's a lot of this on my hard drive. I don't know why! I certainly didn't use these sorts of images as my computer wallpaper! My computer wallpaper was much worse.
This would be a cool license plate.
This is how carbon dating works. There's a bone, and then lightning comes out of a guys hand and it figures out how old it is.
Jennifer sent me this image of her before we started dating. I asked for a bigger one. Then I printed it out. Then I drove down to California telling myself that we were just friends. Then I told her I loved her. Then we made out on her bedroom floor.
It's a picture of myself at Snoqualmie Falls. Check out that hair!
Jennifer made this. It's us at Whiskeytown Lake.
UPDATE: I guess I made this instead. Huh. I thought that was a pretty good drawing of my car. This was obviously done with paint... long line Osama bin Dover.
This is what happens when a black man is a conservative.
Jennifer on her first day of college. Hottie.
My brother going to prom. He's lookin' good.
Jennifer sent me a letter and it took forever to show up. Then it finally made it, and it had a shoe print on it.
I think this was the first image I ever saw of Jennifer. I thought she was pretty good looking here. I bet I looked at this and said "Wow, is she single?" I think she's like 14 in this picture. I'm a pervert.
Melvin on a computer monitor.
No fatties.
I painted this.
I don't have a clue.
You'd think I was a racist or something.
Tuxedo Melvin is comin' online!
Posted by March at September 22, 2005 01:34 PM
Okay, so my art skills wasn't that great. That slide show is supposed to be of a guy using a flashlight on a bone. Though I am really not sure if that what it was supposed to be. It was the last year of High School so I really can't remember.
Posted by: Anonymous at September 22, 2005 04:33 PM
But Cerberus, it's classic Paint art. Actually, it IS pretty bad... I mean, the light is somehow defying the laws of physics by arching in midair. But it's all right. Did you get a good grade at least?
Posted by: Michael at September 22, 2005 04:55 PM
Yeah, I did. I did get a good grade for that. But I don't remember doing it on your computer. Of course I didn't have a computer at the time. Wait, did I? I am so confusied. Anyway, so I am not a great artist when it comes to using the Paint Program.
Posted by: Cerberus at September 23, 2005 09:15 AM
No, you didn't do it on my computer, but you didn't know how to make an animated GIF I think, so we did that on mine. Or maybe you just didn't have the right software... probably that since I had Photoshop and all that.
Posted by: Michael at September 25, 2005 06:54 PM
That one is from beaterz.com
Posted by: Tim at September 26, 2005 12:17 PM