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September 26, 2005

Stupid Shows I'm Currently Watching...

Prison Break. It's completely implausable, has gaping plot holes the size of the grand canyon, and most likely will be cancelled soon. But I like it anyway.

Grey's Anatomy. It's better than ER. Even if it's supposed to be set in Seattle and obviously is not.

Lost. I guess this one isn't stupid. Lots of people watch it. But Michael and I never even watched the first season, and now we're into the second season. Or I am. He's more annoyed by it.

Now stupid shows I will not be watching this season...

Smallville. I've had enough of it. The second half of last season was unwatchable, with the Lana as a witch, Lana as Clark's true love, Lana as Lex's true love, etc. etc. while Chloe is treated like chopped liver.

America's Next Top Model. No Janice. No way.

And that's that.

Posted by December at September 26, 2005 10:16 PM


Oh, you are too watching America's Next Top Model! You made me watch it with you today! Well, anyway, it was awful. I mean, it was absolutely terrible. Not only was the addition of Twiggy aka Obvious Woman stupid, but they really should consider renaming the show America's Next Top Misfit. Let's see, we have:

- An awkward lesbian who has never worn makeup before

- A woman who can't walk in high heels and has tripped 3 out of 3 times that she has walked down the runway

- A reclusive pageant queen

- A "plus-size" model who doesn't have a remote chance of winning.


Posted by: Michael at September 27, 2005 11:41 PM

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