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September 17, 2005
Technorati's "Pics of Saskia": Doubtfully Popular
In my earlier post, I said I understood why people were searching for "Pics of Saskia." I think I was wrong. Searching for actual pictures of Saskia online was almost impossible. I don't believe anybody is looking this information up. As far as the web is concerned, I'm still stuck in 2001, so I'm still learning all this RSS and XML and Blogs and stuff, so maybe I'm just slow, but the top searches on Technorati seem pretty useless. Under "Pics of Saskia" there are only three links: my previous article, the actual pictures of Saskia that I linked to, and another person wondering why this search term is so popular.
This could possibly be a good way to promote your website if you're already showing up on Technorati searches for a specific term. But seriously, it does NOT bring in a lot of traffic. And there's no real way to profit off this stuff... maybe if you were selling Saskia t-shirts or videos or pictures or something. But the only legitimate Saskia website consists of three pictures of the woman, and that's it.
And who is this Saskia woman anyway? A Big Brother 6 (UK) contestant who, as far as I can tell, is only notable for her gigantic breasts. She was evicted from the house in July.
So, seriously, because I know people are going to read this (sadly), can anybody who is in the know tell me what the deal with the top searches at Technorati is? Are they completely useless? Are people just hitting them with some sort of bot putting in the same search over and over? And if so, why are they searching for some girl on a British TV show that isn't even on the air anymore? Anybody?
Posted by March at September 17, 2005 06:57 PM