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September 26, 2005
Why is Cindy Sheehan Famous?
Cindy Sheehan had her big peace rally this weekend in DC, accompanied by Jesse Jackson and Joan Baez. (See some enlightening pictures here.) I am forced to ask myself... why?
- The fact that the mother of a dead soldier can become an instant celebrity is a tribute to how few soldiers have fallen.
- That Cindy wanted to meet with the President is irrelevant, because Cindy ALREADY met with the President. (Her words at the time: "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss." The man can't entertain an audience with everyone who wants a word with him. I have some gripes myself, but if I go camp out in front of the White House, people will call me crazy.
- If Cindy wants to end the war, relatively small protests and sit-ins aren't going to do the trick. Whining about how CNN is showing Hurricane Rita coverage is not going to change anything. Did these things work before the election? Or for that matter, ever?
I'm sorry that Ms. Sheehan has suffered a great loss. Her son died for his country. That brings honor to him, and his family. For that, Sheehan should be recognized as an American who has faced sacrifice for her country. But losing a son in war doesn't make one qualified to determine whether that war is necessary.
Sheehan says she can't understand why we're in Iraq. Well, just because she doesn't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong. George Bush understands. I do too. Apparently Cindy just doesn't get it.
Posted by March at September 26, 2005 04:34 PM