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September 27, 2005

YOU DECIDE: Which one would you be?

Well, we've spent a couple days talking about Cindy Sheehan, and Bush getting drunk, and now it's time to get serious here on marchdecember. It's time to ask the question that's been burning in MY mind all week.

If you had to be one of the X-Men, which one would you be? I can answer immediately. I'd be Wolverine. Wolverine is clearly the best. I mean, he has metal spikes that come out of his arms!!! I would give to have that ability. I mean, the other abilities are cool too. You know, I guess shooting red stuff out of your eyes would be okay. If you're gay. But nothing beats the sheer terror you would inflict when all of the sudden METAL BLADES come SHOOTING OUT OF YOUR HANDS!!!

Imagine... you're on the subway, and some disgusting creep comes up to you and starts harassing you for money. You're like "scram" but the guy responds by pulling out a knife! SCHINK! The guy runs.

Also, I'm guessing those blades are useful for other things. I bet Wolverine is pretty good at chopping vegetables, gutting fish, things like that. He might be able to use them to shave, but my bet would be on "no".

I would love to dress like Wolverine for Halloween. Some people really go all out, like this guy. But if you can't afford the heavy props, why not use butter knives? Well, at least he's got the hair right.

I think I like the movie Wolverine the best. He kinda looks goofy in the comics, but I think ALL the X-Men look goofy in the comics. Way not to stand out there. I wonder what was their motivation for those costumes.

PROF. X: "We're mutants, feared by the general public, demonized by the government, but together we can use our powers for good. How can we disguise ourselves?"
CYCLOPS: "I know, let's dress like homosexuals."

So how about it, what's YOUR answer to the burning question of the week? Which X-Man would you be?

Posted by March at September 27, 2005 08:15 AM



Or alternatively, Bishop.

Posted by: Tim at September 27, 2005 07:03 PM

Ooohhh, I would want to be Shadowcat !!! To be able to walk thru walls !!!

Posted by: Netta at September 29, 2005 02:44 PM

Is it wrong that I want my power to be the ability to impale people with me triple blades?

Posted by: Michael at September 29, 2005 03:41 PM

It's better than impaling them with me Lucky Charms.

Posted by: Jennifer at September 29, 2005 03:43 PM

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