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October 18, 2005

I Am Having the Worst Day

I had to take my car in this morning. $854 + tax. Plus $450 for a bad intake manifold gasket... it's got a vacuum leak and it's whistling real bad. Fine, I'll be embarrassed if the alternative is paying $450.

So my car is in the shop. It will be till tomorrow, and I have no car. I walk to the store and get some spaghetti, and I buy some new spaghetti sauce, and some cheap cheese... both of which I've never tried before. I think I'm going to make a nice romantic dinner or something.

But Jennifer doesn't want any. Then, when I'm cooking the spaghetti, I accidentally bump an electric cord onto the burner. Fortunately I catch it, but not before it's burned the cord real good. The cord wasn't plugged in, but it is attached to Jennifer's Ronco Rotisserie. I don't think it's going to work anymore. Like usual, I ruin everything I touch.

So I'm really frustrated. And my hair is too long. And I can't believe I've ruined a $200 rotisserie that isn't even a year old. And my car is sitting in the shop. And tomorrow I have to ride the bus, which I haven't done in a very, very long time. And then tonight I drop a bunch of Red Wine Vinegarette I "borrowed" from Quiznos, and it goes all over the carpet. I never even used it, but the carpet stinks like italian goodness, and I have no carpet cleaner.

And pretty much I am hating today, and I am probably going to hate tomorrow. The only good thing is I'll get my car back, which will just make me appreciate it more, and probably I'll tell it nice things to make it feel good, because I talk to my car, okay? I like talking to it. I've done it ever since I bought it, and after a LONG day in college it would be like coming home. If that makes me crazy, that's okay, because I'm on Zoloft AND I see a therapist once a week! Take that Tom.

Posted by March at October 18, 2005 12:23 AM


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