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October 09, 2005
I found this blog post intriguing.
The author had the chance to ask an editor of the Washington Post about a story than ran a few weeks ago. That article identified a protestor named Patrice Cuddy, who was labeled a "novice" protestor. A few minutes with the blogosphere made it quite clear that Cuddy was NOT in fact a novice protestor at all, but rather one with quite a bit of experience.
In a live chat, the editor was asked if a correction would be made. The response from the Post was "We are considering a correction regarding the activist you mention."
We are considering a correction? If you get something wrong, you correct it. You don't sit around and consider a correction. You correct it today. You correct it right now. What's to consider?
Posted by March at October 9, 2005 08:36 PM