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October 14, 2005
Review: Subway's Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
Recently, Subway has been promoting their new Chicken Parmesan sandwich. According to their website:
Chicken Parmesan sandwiches feature a lightly breaded chicken tender topped with zesty marinara sauce and provolone or American cheese. The Chicken Parmesan sub is then freshly toasted to perfection.
Their sandwich sure looks good. I decided to take a risk and try it out!
I can assure you that the Chicken Parmesan sub is NOT like Subway's other sub sandwiches. Those sandwiches tend to be soggy, slimy, and covered in an over-zealous coating of pepper. The Chicken Parmesan sub is much worse. It's nearly inedible.
Somehow Subway has managed to "toast" a sandwich, and STILL maintain it's trademark soggyness. Their "zesty marinara sauce" might better be described as "disgusting marinara sauce." And last I checked, chicken tenders were supposed to be tender, not rubbery like they were cooked in a microwave.
But the new toasted sandwiches are supposed to offer an alternative to Quizno's. How does it compare to their offerings? It doesn't. It would be possible for Quizno's to prepare rotting flesh that tasted better than this. How anybody in their right mind would choose this soggy and disgusting mess over the exquisitely crafted tastes of Quizno's sandwiches is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Posted by March at October 14, 2005 11:05 AM