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October 01, 2005

Trip to Lake Youngs

My family took a tour of the Lake Youngs Reservoir yesterday. It was cloudy and raining, but I grew up a half mile from Lake Youngs, but all my life I've never seen it. It's fenced off, barbed wire and all, because it's used for the City of Seattle's water supply. Well, my sister managed to get us in. A great guy named Dennis drove us around and showed us the various sights. We couldn't see the mountain, because it was cloudy, but it was wild to see this huge lake, with not a soul on it or around it. If it weren't a closed off reservoir, the lake would surely be surround by a thousand homes, crowded in as close as possible. It was beautiful, and it reminded me how much I want to live near the water. It's one of the few places around here that doesn't make you feel claustrophobic.

Posted by March at October 1, 2005 10:26 PM


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