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October 17, 2005

We're in Seattle, Really! All these pictures of Seattle prove it!

We have been watching Grey's Anatomy since it premiered near the end of last season, and it's a pretty good show. It is set at Seattle Grace Hospital, and the show features a lot of pretty flyovers of Seattle. What it doesn't show, for the most part, is actual scenes shot in Seattle. The one exception is a seen in the premiere where a patient is brought in by helicopter, and lands on the roof of the "hospital." Never mind the hospital looks NOTHING like the hospital in the rest of the series, or that it looks just like Fisher Plaza, or that it has very visible signs on it that say "KOMO 4".

Supposedly they came last month to film some scenes in the city, which means they've already filmed more scenes here than Frasier did in it's entire (10, 11, 12 I don't remember pick one) season run.

The thing that bothers me the most is the set they use for the hospital. It has been established that Seattle Grace is located downtown, or at the very least across the street from the Space Needle. Yet exterior shots of the hospital show a flat landscape with distant SoCal-ish mountaind. The only thing about the hospital that is even remotely Seattle-ish is the pictures on every wall of Seattle. And why would they have those? That seems a little far-fetched... that the decorating scheme of a Seattle hospital would be stock photos of Seattle. It just seems desperate, and it reminds you that the characters are NOT in fact in Seattle. ER doesn't do that, because even the exterior sets LOOK like Chicago, they actually go to Chicago to film many scenes, and every single available space isn't covered with a framed poster that screams "LOOK AT ME, I'M IN CHICAGO!" Unfortunately, ER is the dumbest program on Earth.

Posted by March at October 17, 2005 11:48 AM


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