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October 12, 2005

Will Southwest move to Paine Field?

Today King County Exec Ron Sims announced he was rejected a proposal by Southwest and Alaska Airlines to move operations from Sea-Tac to Boeing Field. Sea-Tac's $4 billion renovation project is apparently making flying out of there too costly. Sims decided against the proposals for a variety of reasons, some of which I agree with. However, Southwest may decide to stop serving King County altogether, moving operations elsewhere. A site in Snohomish or Pierce County could be ideal, especially with the availability of Paine Field in Everett. Not only would Southwest have the ability to offer lower fares, but they could also attract a lot of local business that doesn't want to bother with the drive to Sea-Tac. Might it happen?

Posted by March at October 12, 2005 12:12 AM


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