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October 04, 2005
Zack and Slater
If you think about it, Zack and Slater were good kids. Most people would have just beat up Screech and dumped him in a trash can. But they didn't do that, and as a result Screech didn't go all Kip Kinkel on them.
Neighbors described him as a quiet boy.
And you know, after the Saved by the Bell kids graduated in 1993, that's when all these kids started grabbing their guns... kids killing kids and all that. Maybe it's because they didn't have the moral guidance of Mr. Belding and Zack Morris. Maybe it's because stupid jocks didn't have the fine example of A.C. Slater to follow. Call me crazy, but I think Zack and A.C. just might be what we call in these parts... "heroes". Here's to you Mr. Morris. Here's to you Mr. Slater/Sanchez. Thank YOU for protecting my generation from mentally imbalanced social misfits.
Posted by March at October 4, 2005 08:27 PM