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Anti-Japanese Bigot of the Day

Check out this guy complaining about Toyota and "yap" cars.

Thats how i look at all yap cars, with a grain of salt. I drove an 06 camry for 600 miles , i wanted to stab myself in the face with a rusty spoon the whole time. The car was scary at 80 on the freeway , small movements of the wheel and it would swerve drastically. Now i know why Toyota drivers always have a 10 an 2 white knuckle grip on the wheel, when i pass them.
I was concerned for my safety and drove 65 for hours, what a pile of garbage. I don't know how far gone you have to be to find that acceptable, but i was amazed at the driving experience. I drove a Pontiac Vibe rental car soon after and had a ball. I was having FUN and i was annoyed at all the Toyota cars in the fast lane going the speed limit, impeding traffic. The Vibe is like a station wagon and it was a screamer, i liked it 50 times more than the yap tin can.

Oops! The Pontiac Vibe is essentially a rebadged Toyota Matrix, uses the engine from the Toyota Corolla, and is built at the same plant that builds the Corolla and Toyota Tacoma.

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