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An Exciting New MLM Opportunity!!!!!!!!!! Ugh.

I'm seeing new Work from Home signs lately, that include the logo of an exciting new MLM business called Xtreme Health. Xtreme Health is different from Herbalife, in that it is trying to look more like a legitimate business. I even saw an Xtreme Health kiosk at the mall. Unfortunately, no matter how good the product, it's still using a horrible inefficient method of distribution. You know how you want to eliminate the middle man to get a good deal? Well MLM is like the king of middle men (and women.) The average salesperson has to support all kinds of people who are above them on the pyramid (or triangle, or whatever.)

Xtreme Health is a new ephedra-free system for losing weight. Ephedra based products actually worked pretty well, but like most effective weight-loss wonder drugs, they had the nasty habit of killing people. As far as I can tell, there is no reason to believe a safe herbal weight loss product exists, and Xtreme Health is no exception. That said, if you want to buy their products, hey, it's your money, and they probably won't HARM you at least. You never know... maybe they work.

But if you are poor and need extra cash, or you're just gullible, or whatever, please don't spend one dime on these MLM systems. They don't work, and I hate to see people get ripped off just so some fat cat who came up with yet another scam company can buy a new yacht or whatever. Please stay far away from Xtreme Health, or Herbalife, or Ameriprise, or Quixtar/Amway. Please stay far, far away.

Comments (1)


i don't know much about xtreme health, but quixtar/amway is probably the worst MLM scam out there because it borders on cult like behavior.

it is sad the way they target the young, uneducated, immigrants, and minorites and rob them of all there money

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