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Asperger's and Unemployment

What happens if you have and want to get a job? An interview might not go so well for you. "Are you a team player?" Uh... no. "Do you work well with others?" By others, do you mean other people?!

So how do people with Asperger's handle getting a job? It turns out... they don't. In Britain, where a study on Asperger's was conducted, adults dealing with Asperger's had an 88% unemployment rate. EIGHTY-EIGHT PERCENT! Ouch.

There's good news though... people with Asperger's in the Seattle area have a lot of options to help them out. This Wednesday, in Ballard, there's a panel of adult "Aspies" who will be discussing Asperger's with parents and family of Asperger children and young adults. And there's a four-week "Living with Asperger's" course in Seattle, Redmond, and Bellevue, which helps adults who need help in social, romantic, and sexual situations.

Hooyah! for sexual situations!

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