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Bike Riding and Helmets

My brother is bugged by people who don't wear helmets.

It is really idiotic. When ever I see some person riding their bike, motorcycle or rollarblades, I see them without a helmet. Well, not all the time, but that's what I occasionally see. And I ask myself "What, do you want to get brain damage? Do you want to hurt yourself?"
I don't understand. Don't they care about their safety?

But riding a bicycle isn't dangerous. Riding a bicycle like an idiot is what is dangerous. When I was a kid we wouldn't just ride our bikes around and have fun. We would speed down hills to see how fast we could go. We would build flimsy ramps and then jump them. We didn't wear helmets, but if you're riding down a hill at 50MPH on a bicycle, you don't need a helmet. You need some common sense.

But what is your take? Post your thoughts over at our message board. (Yes, this is a cheap ploy to get people to post something.)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 15, 2006 11:10 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Three Cheers for Cane Sugar!!!.

The next post in this blog is One Book "I" Don't Want You to Buy.

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