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Brokeback Mountain Big Deal

I'm getting tired of hearing about bias regarding Brokeback Mountain. Some theater in Utah has decided at the last moment not to show Brokeback Mountain.

Mike Thompson, executive director of the gay rights advocacy group Equality Utah, called it disappointing.
"It's just a shame that such a beautiful and award-winning film with so much buzz about it is not being made available to a broad Utah audience because of personal bias," he said.

Well, so what? Just because you make an award-winning doesn't mean you have some inalienable right to have it shown. The only reason this might be reasonably newsworthy is if your definition of news is "things that make conservatives look bad."

Whatever. I'm conservative, and I thought it was a moving, honest movie. The fact that so many people have misconceptions about it may have to do with the fact that so many left-leaning journalists gloss over it's nastier parts. It's far less obscene than most R-rated movies out there.

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