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Erin and Levi's Wedding Registry

Erin and Levi are less than a month away from being married, unless something horrible happens like Levi discovers Erin is his long lost half-sister. I mean, that's not likely to happen, but being unemployed I catch a lot of soap operas, and this thing turns out to be more common than you'd think!

Anyway, I found their ultra cool Crate & Barrel registry online... including a request for ten $0.75 corn picks. I called them first!

Update: Apparently the time between January 9th to February 19th is NOT less than a month. Thanks to Juan for pointing this out to me. HA HA HA HA! I'm just kidding. There's no Juan. There's nobody! Nobody reads this site!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 9, 2006 5:10 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Is This Uncle Tony?.

The next post in this blog is An Exciting New MLM Opportunity!!!!!!!!!! Ugh..

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