I got a chance to thumb through Kevin Trudeau's new book: Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About. Who is "they?" The establishment. The pharmaceuticals. The boogeymen. Whoever you want them to be.
Trudeau's advice ranges from the mundane to the absolute nutty. The sun doesn't cause cancer, Kevin tells us. Don't wear sunscreen. It's sunscreen that causes cancer! How does Kevin know this? Well look at them thar Africans! They don't have cancer! It must be true! I wittle what I see!
At the end of it all, Trudeau tells you to check into Scientology. Seriously. I wish I was joking. But I'm not.
Anyway, save your money. Many of the cures aren't even in the book. Kevin wants you to buy a subscription to his website for those. And even if they were free, there's no reason you should try them. Trudeau is no more trustworthy than those evil drug companies, and given his criminal record, I'd say he's quite a bit LESS trustworthy.