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Seattle Under Siege: Day 26

A few days ago I decided I was really, really, really sick of the rain. I've enjoyed the nice temperatures, but the rain was really getting to me. That's when the friendly people on the news told me that we've had 26 days straight of rain! And anything the friendly people on the news tell me must be true. So here we are, 26 days of rain, and things are crazy. People's houses are falling down hills. Rivers are overflowing. Lakes are rising. Water is absolutely everywhere. It's crazy.

Check out these photos from KIRO showing the waters in Lake Sammamish.

And things aren't any better to the south.

I haven't seen it this bad in years. The poor soil can't handle any more rain, and there's LOTS of rain to come! How will things fare tomorrow when the Seahawks are playing at Qwest Field. I suppose a few might wish we hadn't blown up the Kingdome.

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