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The Best of NAIAS 2006

The Detroit Auto Show opened up Monday, and they've got all sorts of new cars for you to see. Once upon a time the Detroit show was more a showcase for wild concepts that cars that might actually be built, but automakers for once are showering us with actual vehicles they might build. And here's a kicker... the cars might actually look like the concepts!

Here's some of the best from this year's show!

2007 Toyota Camry

Next year's Camry comes with a 268HP V6, reclining rear seats, push-button start, and a remote start system that automatically starts when you approach the car. It's almost enough to make you want to buy one! Nearly half a million already do every year.

2007 Jeep Wrangler

Look! It's the new Jeep Wrangler. Looks just like the old Jeep Wrangler, but it's not.

200x Dodge Challenger

Look for the inevitable aftermarket Cuda modification kit. Sign me up... for the car AND the kit!

Also worth seeing...

2007 Buick Enclave
200x Chevrolet Camaro

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 10, 2006 3:35 AM.

The previous post in this blog was An Exciting New MLM Opportunity!!!!!!!!!! Ugh..

The next post in this blog is Lose Weight with Herbalife! UPDATE.

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