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Woman Can't Get GM to Replace Her Unsafe 2005 Chevy

Some poor woman bought a 2005 Chevy Uplander with a ton of problems with it, including a problem with the headlights. GM has declared it to be a problem vehicle, yet she is still stuck with it. Shouldn't a large corporation like this replace problem vehicles immediately? Otherwise they make customers angry. Those customers go complain. Others read it. They post on their blog about it. You see where this is going.

Lemon vehicles happen, and I'm sure there are lemon Toyotas and Hyundais as well. Sometimes you aren't going to get a great vehicle. But consumers understand this. What they can't understand is being forced to drive the unsafe vehicle around while somebody at GM makes a decision. I'd be afraid to purchase a Chevrolet now, not because it might be a lemon, but because GM doesn't seem to know how to handle their customers... because I would be STUCK with the lemon.

Here's some advice for General Motors. Replace the van now! Just go, get another Uplander, and give it to her! Or, give her a refund, and allow her to buy a Honda or Toyota so she doesn't have to deal with this sort of thing again. Just because you make poor products doesn't mean you should make the customer suffer. Has GM forgotten that the customer is always right? Sure seems like it to me.

UPDATE: Good news! Plus, I make a cool picture!

Crossposted at Newsvine.

Comments (1)


This story is the same as mine. I purchased mine brand new in June 05 and have had problems with the elec. system, the ignition and various other issues. I have contacted GM many times and the only offer I have had is a $2000 rebate on a new GM. As if it is not bad enough that the van has so many problems it has depreciated to $6000 under what is owed.

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