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BUY BUY BUY! Buy a home now or else!

Housing prices in the Seattle area continue to skyrocket, and things only look to get worse. Jennifer and I need to just buy a home as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if we can't afford it. We can't afford NOT to buy a home. Otherwise, I don't see how we'll ever live here. I won't want to. If I can't get a house, I'm leaving.

My sister bought her house back in the summer of 2004 for around $230,000. According to the new site Zillow.com, her house is now worth $342,342. In the last week, the value of the house increased $5,133. In one week!

And things don't seem to be getting better. This Saturday we went out looking at a couple new developments, just for fun, and one of them actually had a guide to getting financing for the homes. You'll have to take out TWO mortgages, they advised. Because the houses are too expensive for just one.

It's depressing! I hope I get a good job soon, so we can buy something. It might not be what we want, but we can spend a couple years in it and then sell it when Jennifer graduates. Of course, a starter home around here goes for $300,000. By starter home, I of coruse mean a shack. It's crazy!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2006 1:27 PM.

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