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Gotta Catch 'Em All: Asperger's

Remember how kids with Asperger's LOVE Pokémon? Well, it turns out there's probably a reason.

Echoing Asperger, the director of the clinic in San Jose where I met Nick, Michelle Garcia Winner, suggests that "Pokémon must have been invented by a team of Japanese engineers with Asperger."

Well, it turns out Ms. Winner is correct. The creator of Pokémon, Satoshi Tajiri, has indeed been diagnosed with Asperger's.

Crazy. A few people with Asperger's Syndrome indeed list Pokémon as an obsession of theirs. Others list obsessions like license plates, zip codes, maps, stuff like that. These people are AWESOME! They'd never accept me in their social circle, but still!

Also of interest: apparently many people with Asperger's don't feel like they act their age. They feel like their social age is considerably younger than their actual physical age. So Cerberus is in good company, I suppose.

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