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Howard Dean Thinks Cheney Should Not Remain VP

DNC chair Howard Dean believes that Dick Cheney should not remain Vice President because of the whole CIA leak scandal. Really?! Is Howard Dean actually THAT STUPID?

What does Dick Cheney currently do? He is the Vice President. His importance politically is minimal. Moreover, he is not going to be running for President in 2008.

Can you think of anyone who could replace him?

Isn't this a very, very bad idea? Dick Cheney is a pretty unpopular guy, if only because he is constantly attacked by the left, and he's not really the most charismatic person in the world. How about leaving the guy in office, instead of setting up a potential successor?

Or is it that people like Howard Dean know their words have absolutely no impact on the world? In that case, they can say anything they want, without consequence.

Comments (1)


Dude, check out the seattlepi.com sometime. The raving morons that make up the liberal democrats want to drag him out in the street and shoot him.

Every other word coming out of these guys mouths are "impeach!"

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