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March's Life: Update for 2-22-06

One month from now I turn 31. Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. Ah, who am I kidding? Once you're 30, you don't care for another ten years. Anyway, here's what I've been up to.

Friday night Jennifer got really, really sick and we took her to the hospital. She left feeling slightly better, or not, and we left probably a few thousand dollars poorer. How should I know? I'm sure they'll send the bill sometime, though technically all our mail is still bouncing. Hey, I haven't gotten the chance to go deal with that yet!

Sunday morning we hopped in the car and went to my cousin's wedding. It was held at The Old Church in Portland, and there was an equally beautiful reception at The Acadian Ballroom in (North?) Portland. That place was RITZY! We had our wedding reception in a crummy house next to the church.

Then that night we headed back home, but we stopped by the Vancouver Del Taco first. Question for anyone who has eaten there... is the Vancouver Del Taco next to a sewage treatment plant? Or is that just the natural smell of the Del Taco? Because it was AWFUL!

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