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Psycho Killer Update!

You may remember a few months back when a Plaid Pantry worker down the street was killed on the job by a psycho who was roommates with a King County Sheriff's Deputy. Turns out the Sheriff's Deputy was all Brokeback Mountain with the killer.

A former King County sheriff's deputy knew his roommate had mental-health disorders, drinking problems and brushes with law-enforcement officers before the roommate allegedly used the deputy's personal pistol to kill a Kenmore convenience-store clerk, newly released records show....

Besides being surprisingly gay, the Sheriff's Deputy was unsurprisingly incompetent. I see no reason why people like this get the privilege that comes with being a police officer. What does it even take to become a cop these days? Do you just have to go to Crown College? Isn't it a BAD sign that the primary audience for police academies is Jerry Springer viewers? I'm just asking.

UPDATE: Sploid claims the psycho used the Deputy's gun to kidnap and rape an unsuspecting homosexual a couple days before the murder. Outrageous.

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