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To Do: Get Motorola SLVR

Once upon a time Motorola made THE phones to have. Of course, that's back when a cell phone was the size of a brick. For a long time Nokia became the hip cell phone company... I've been using Nokia since about 1999. But I don't like any of the new Nokia phones, and most of the competition uses flip phones, which I really don't like. What to do?

Motorola to the rescue with their awesome SLVR.

Awesome! This phone does everything mine does, except more. It has a nicer screen, it has a VGA video camera, and 512MB of memory for MP3s and iTunes. Hey, that's 511MB more than my current phone! What a difference a year makes!

And I really need a new phone, because my current one is having all sorts of problems? What? Huh? Oh, apparently it's not having any problems at all. Apparently it's working fine.

One second.


All right, now my phone is having some sort of problems. Anyway, once I get a job, I'll have to see about getting a SLVR. It's very cool.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 5, 2006 9:51 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Job Update for Two Six Two-Oh-Oh-Six.

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