Twelve years ago, I attended a small Christian college and was introduced to a slightly older student. He had a very unique name, and an even more unique voice. He could sing. He was a good guy, and he had a seemingly strong relationship with Christ. Plus he never tattled on us when we were off causing trouble. (And my roommate and I did plenty of that!)
But this young man was haunted by demons. He was a victim of molestation. A male relative had violated him years before. The pain was so great that he prefered to be identified by a different name.
After a quarter he left... returned a few months later, but kept his distance. I never got to know him again.
Today, I saw a picture that reminded me of him. So I looked him up. I was surprised at what I found. After I left that small college, he stayed and announced (through the school newspaper no less) that he was a homosexual. Wow.
I found one photo of him online... nearly naked at an art exhibit. I used to hold him up on a pedestal. Now, I suppose, I see he is only human. But perhaps more importantly, I understand better than I could have when I was 18. I am less naive. I know he still carried the hurt of that little boy. And I understand the consequences.
Maybe he does too.