I couldn't figure it out... on startup the SOUND had changed. It sounded different, and it was driving me absolutely insane. I thought I had lost it.
But it turns out the DS has a different startup sound on your birthday. How is that for crazy?
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I couldn't figure it out... on startup the SOUND had changed. It sounded different, and it was driving me absolutely insane. I thought I had lost it.
But it turns out the DS has a different startup sound on your birthday. How is that for crazy?
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 22, 2006 3:11 AM.
The previous post in this blog was Videos of the Day: 3-21-06.
The next post in this blog is Videos of the Day: 3-22-06.
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Comments (2)
Happy birthday!
Hope your day was better than mine.:P Had a crappy day at work. Worked an a 11hour shift by myself. Someone called in with Pink Eye. Looks like I'll be doing it again tomorrow. Nothing like running a fast food store by yourself...however, I get triple over time. So that's worth it come next week:)
Posted by Velma | March 22, 2006 7:25 PM
Posted on March 22, 2006 19:25
Happy birthday!
Hope your day was better than mine.:P Had a crappy day at work. Worked an a 11hour shift by myself. Someone called in with Pink Eye. Looks like I'll be doing it again tomorrow. Nothing like running a fast food store by yourself...however, I get triple over time. So that's worth it come next week:)
Posted by velma | March 22, 2006 8:17 PM
Posted on March 22, 2006 20:17