« Videos of the Day: 3-23-06 | Main | Rainy and Fluff Hate Trader Joe's »

Save the 76 Balls (Plus, What's Old is New Again)

I've often wondered what would happen to the rotating 76 ball on Mercer now that 76 has changed it's logo from orange to red. Turns out... they're getting rid of them.

These guys aim to save them.

By the way, speaking of new logos and such, but kind of totally unrelated... remember how AT&T Wireless got bought by Cingular? Cingular was owned by SBC and Bellsouth. Well... SBC bought AT&T. They adopted the AT&T brand. Now AT&T has bought Bellsouth, effectively purchasing Cingular entirely. So the original AT&T sold off AT&T Wireless, which was bought by Cingular, which has now been bought by (effectively) AT&T (which was really bought by Cingular's partial parent company).

Anyway, Cingular will probably become AT&T Wireless again... which is cool cause I still haven't switched to a Cingular plan.

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