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Charlie Sheen Threatened to Kill Denise Richards?

Denise Richards filed papers today claiming that Charlie Sheen threatened numerous times to kill her.

Among her allegations: That Sheen abused prescription drugs after the 2004 birth of their first daughter, Sam, and told Richards "I 'better not tell anybody about his using these drugs and better keep it to myself.' I understood by these statements that (he) would physically harm me and our baby."

Richards also claims that, on the way to the hospital for the birth of their daughter Lola last year, Sheen placed a gambling bet by phone, and was checking his pager for the results as she was wheeled into surgery for her C-section.

Things turned violent on Dec. 27, 2005, according to the papers, when Sheen allegedly hit Richards's wrist and shoved her in the stomach after she confronted him about pornography Web sites featuring "very young girls" that he'd been visiting. She claims Sheen told her that "if I revealed anything about his lifestyle, 'You won't lay your head down at night.' I understood this to mean that he would kill me."

Several days later, she claims Sheen pushed her over while she was holding Lola and "said to me that he was going to have me killed."

So the guy is into (child?) porn, gambling, and drugs... but hey, I'm sure he knows his stuff on 9/11 still!

"Hey, call me insane, but did it sort of look like those buildings came down in a - in a controlled demolition?"

I don't know about insane... how about mentally ill?

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