I ran across this the other day while googling Jennifer. It's something she wrote before we got married. What a sweetheart she is. It just makes me love her more and more and more and more! (Flowers and music notes appear over Michael's head.)
« 2007 Oldsmobile Aurora | Main | S is for Safeway »
I ran across this the other day while googling Jennifer. It's something she wrote before we got married. What a sweetheart she is. It just makes me love her more and more and more and more! (Flowers and music notes appear over Michael's head.)
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 11, 2006 7:02 PM.
The previous post in this blog was 2007 Oldsmobile Aurora.
The next post in this blog is S is for Safeway.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.