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Latinos to Shut Down McDonalds on Monday

Apparently Latinos all over the country are planning on leaving work just to show how important they are to our society. Get your Big Macs now if you want them. No... seriously.

Signs in front of some fast-food restaurants in the Seattle area already are warning customers that service on Monday might be curtailed or the businesses may be closed.

I'm not sure what to think of this. On one hand, actually being able to understand the person taking your order will be a relief. On the other hand, unlike the white people that work fast food, the Latinos aren't psychotic morons. (And I mean moron in the most literal of senses.)

In other news, I go to court on Monday as well. Unfortunately, the cop that pulled me over was not a Latino, so he could potentially show up, provided he can read the letter asking him to show up to court. Which, frankly, he probably can't. Because he was stupid. He was dumb. Get it? I'm mad at the cops. Can you tell?

Maybe if the guy had pulled me over for actually committing some sort of violation, instead of just making up stuff.

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